Publications Magda Michielsens in English or French

  • (2011). Michielsens, Magda & Angioletti, Walter. Étude sur la Représentation des Femmes et des Hommes dans De Journal – RTL Télé Lëtzebuerg. Luxembourg: Ministère de l’Egalité des chances du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. (download French)
  • (2009). Gender and Humanism. Lecture at the European Humanist Professionals conference in Berlin on the 4th of July. (download)
  • (2009). Définition du concept sexisme. Bruxelles: Institut pour l’ ëgalité des femmes et des hommes. (download French)
  • (2009). Genre et gender mainstreaming. In: Ravesloot, Saskia & Wuiame, Nathalie (red.). Actes du cycle de séminaires Le gender mainstreaming un nouveau défi pour le gouvernement fédéral et ses administrations. Bruxelles: Institut pour l’ ëgalité des femmes et des hommes, p. 20-30. (download French) (download English)
  • (2005). Femmes: 175 ans. Egalité et inégalité en Belgique 1830-2005. Bruxelles: Conseil de l’égalité des Chances entre Hommes et Femmesl. (download)
  • Goodman, S., Kirkup, G., Michielsens, M. (2003). ICTs in Teaching and Learning Women’s Studies Perspectievies and Teaching in Europe. Lund: Lund University press, 158 pp.
  • (2001). Mechanisms and structures in favour of the equality between men and women, particularly ‘mainstreaming’. In: Woman and men in Belgium. Towards an equal society. Brussels: Fed. Ministry of Employment and Labour, Equal Opportunities Unit, p. 21-29.
  • (2001). Internationale Vrouwenstudies: netwerken. Les réseaux d’ études Féministes. In: Etudes féministes en Belgique 1977-200. Vrouwenstudies in België 1977-2000. Brussel: Sophia, p. 4-7.
  • (2000). Women, Media and Violence. Routledge Encyclopedia on Women's Studies.
  • (2000). Memory Frames: the role of concepts and cognitions in telling life-stories. In: Cosslett, Tess, Lury, Celia and Summerfield, Penny (2000). Feminism and Autobiography. London, Routledge, p. 183-200.
  • (2000). The use of Information and Communication Technologies in Women's Studies. In: Braidotti, R. & Vonk, Esther (2000). The Making of European Women's Studies. Utrecht, Zuidman & Uithof, p. 71-77.
  • (1997). (Ed.) Women, War and Conflict. European Journal Women's Studies, special issue, 3.
  • (1996) A World of Difference. Women in the Netherlands and Flanders. In: Jozef Deleu (ed) The Low Countries. Arts and Society in Flanders and the Netherlands, A Yearbook. (p. 65-73.), Rekkem: Stichting Ons erfdeel.
  • (1996) Michelsens, Magda & Annemarie ten Boom (1996). Illustrating human suffering: women as victims on the news. In: Nevena Dakovic, Deniz Derman & Karen Ross (Eds) Gender & Media (p.188-199), Ankara: Mediation.
  • (1995). Image par image. Bruxelles: Ministère Egalité des Chances.
  • (1993). Strategies of Difference in the Education of Girls. In: M. Brügmann, D. Long, S. Heebing & M. Michielsens (Eds) Who's afraid of Femininity. Amsterdam, Rodopi, p. 133-145.
  • Brügmann, D. Long, S. Heebing & Michielsens, M. (Eds) (1993). Who's afraid of Femininity. Amsterdam,

For a full list including publications in Dutch: look here


